With the new year fast approaching...I am sure that you are already thinking about health goals for 2023. You are not the only one. Up to 95% of New Year's Resolutions are about health. Health is important for longevity of life, quality of life, and overall feeling of wellness. If you are in the 42% of Americans that are obese...becoming healthier should be a priority. Even if you are not obese or overweight being healthier is a win/win situation.
Losing weight improves overall health, both physically and mentally. There are many scientific studies proving the benefit of losing a few pounds. For those looking to lose weight...how does one start? Here are 10 tips to get you started on losing weight and being a healthier version of you in 2023.
Make a goal/deadline
Track your food intake (all of it!)
Track your progress
Focus on protein and fiber
Don't starve yourself
Watch your portion sizes
Be physically active
Get your ZZZ's
Be patient
All of these tips can help you on the path to a healthier you. Sounds too good to be true? Yes it might sound like that, but truth is, if it's important enough to you, you will not make excuses and make the choices to do the right thing. Need help with those choices? That is where I come in...I can coach you to success!!!