When we think of Vitamin D, we think of the sun. Or is that just me? Why? Well it's because by exposing our skin to sunlight our bodies can make Vitamin D. It is one of a few vitamins that our bodies can make. However, most of us do not make enough Vitamin D to meet our needs. It's because or two reasons: one we don't live in climates where we have good sun exposure and two, we cover ourselves up and wear SPF 50 when we go out. Thus, preventing our bodies ability to make Vitamin D.
Why do we need Vitamin D? Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that has a role in almost every part/system of our body. Vitamin D can support our immune system so we can fight off disease, may help with autoimmune diseases, it can decrease the risk of depression, may improve cognitive decline, it works with calcium to build strong bones, improves cardiovascular function, it can help with muscle strength and it may support weight loss ( Devje, 2022).
Most of us have a Vitamin D deficiency. Even those of us in warmer climates where we can be in the sun everyday! Do not fear, we can obtain Vitamin D through food sources such as salmon, egg yolk, canned tuna, fortified milk and cereals, and mushrooms to name a few. Most adults need 15mcg (micrograms) or 600IU (International Units) per day. You must consult with your doctor about getting your blood levels checked and to know if a supplement would be recommended for you.
We are learning more and more about the importance of Vitamin D in our bodies. This is one vitamin that you should not overlook for the proper functioning of your body. To have improved health we must make sure that we have all the "ingredients" in order for us to be successful. Vitamin D is one of those ingredients!
Devje, S. (2022, January 14). Vitamin D Benefits. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/benefits-vitamin-d#1.-Vitamin-D-may-fight-disease